This is my first double page that I have finished. There is another double page going to follow after this.

For my first double page i have used a much larger picture of my model with a quote from her article as the title. I have an introduction to the left on the column to explain what my article is going to be about. I also have who it is written by and who took the photos on the page as it is a common convention in magazines. I have used another totally different picture of my model in the bottom corner. My font for my main text is size 9 and century gothic which makes it easy to read. I have the text justified to both sides of the column to make it look neater. I have the text 'Upbeat exclusive' at the top of the page to make it appeal to the audience that this is the first time you will hear anything like the story told in my article. At the beginning of the column I have the 'B' much larger and in Orange to make it stand out. This is common in the layout of other magazine articles. I have a little arrow at the end of the text to show it goes on to the next page. In white on the pictures I have some text showing what she is wearing, this is regularly seen in other magazines.
This is my second double page spread.

For this second double page I have put the upbeat exclusive and the page numbers in the same place so it is consistent throughout the magazine. I have put my text in five columns of the same size to make it look neat and easy to read the text. Again the font is size 9 century gothic which is a plain font that makes it easy to read at a small size. I have a large picture of my model at the bottom of the page and i have cut out the background and wrapped my text around the picture. This is a common convention in magazines. I have also put quotes from the text in a much larger orange font so it stands out from the rest. These bits of text cant tell you the full story but it does give little bits so it makes the reader want to read the rest of the article to find out what exactly happened. I have wrapped my main text around these, as this is common in many other magazines. I have another picture at the top where I haven't cut out the background. I have put an orange background around it, which separates it from the text. I have added a description of what my model is wearing as I saw this in another magazine and thought it was a good idea if you liked the clothing. I have put an orange large full stop at the end to show that the article has come to the end. Rachel and I decided that we would have a 'best things in life' column, which consists of eight 'bests' where the person our article or interview is based on adds in their own information. We thought this would be a good idea to link our magazines together as it is the same magazine just different issues.