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Monday, 30 November 2009

Analysis of Film Magazines

I have decided to look closely at ‘Total Film’ magazine as from all the film magazines this one is my favorite. I will look at the common conventions and follow some of them to create a successful magazine cover. I won’t follow all of the forms and conventions as I don’t want my magazine cover to look just the same as others on the market.
  • Full image with background.
  • Medium close up of one character looking straight out to the audience helps to make the readers want to look inside.
  • Title goes across the head.
  • Red ‘TOTAL’ inside of the ‘F’ in film. Gives individuality to the magazine. The audience will remember it.
  • Strap line ‘must-see’ draws readers in.
  • 4 different colours used.
  • 3 different fonts used.
  • Text justified down both sides of the page.
  • Barcode, date, price, website and issue number.

  • Full image with background.
  • Medium shot of one character looking straight out to the audience helps to make the readers want to look inside.
  • Title goes behind the head showing that it is a well knowing magazine as they don’t need to see the full name without recognizing it is a ‘Total Film’ magazine.
  • Cut out ‘TOTAL’ inside of the ‘F’ in film. Gives individuality to the magazine. The audience will remember it.
  • ‘World exclusive’ draws readers in as it sounds as though they will be the first to know the information.
  • Quotations are effective as it shows other thoughts on the films.
  • 3 different colours used.
  • 3 different fonts used.
  • Text justified down both sides of the page.
  • Barcode, date, price, website and issue number.

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