How often do you watch horror films?
1. Everyday
2. Once a week
3. Once a month
4. Occasionally
5. Never
2 people picked everyday
8 people picked once a week
12 people picked once a month
7 people picked occasionally
1 person picked never
What do you think are the main conventions of a horror film?
1. Monsters
2. Blood
3. Death
4. Suspense
5. Ghosts
1 people picked monsters
7 people picked bloods
11 people picked death
7 people picked suspense
4 people picked ghosts
What do you think makes a good location for a horror film?
1. Beach
2. Forest
3. Graveyard
4. School
5. House
2 people picked beach
11 people picked forest
6 people picked graveyard
2 people picked school
9 people picked house
Who do you prefer to be a victim in a horror film?
1. Male
2. Female
12 people picked school
18 people picked house
What name sounds suitable for a horror film?
1. Sweetdreams
2. Midnight
3. Nightmare
4. Party House
12 people picked sweetdreams
5 people picked midnight
7 people picked nightmare
6 people picked party house
Should the trailer be in chronological order?
1. Yes
2. No
9 people picked yes
21 people picked no
What time period do you like a horror film to be in?
1. Olden days
2. Future
3. Present
6 people picked olden days
5 people picked future
19 people picked present
What makes you scared? (Pick 3)
1. Gore
2. Storms
3. Chase sequences
4. Screams
5. Ghosts
6. Blood
7. Weapons
Gore 19 points
Storms 3 points
Chase sequences 25 points
Screams 23 points
Ghosts 10 poins
Blood 5 poins
Weapons 5 points
Who do you like to see the most of?
1. The Hero
2. The Villain
3. The Helper
4. The Victim
9 people picked the hero
12 people picked the villan
1 people picked the helper
8 people picked the victim
What camera angles do you think are most effective in a horror film? (Pick 2)
1. Close up
2. Extreme close up
3. long shot
4. tilt
5. medium shot
close up 24 points
extreme close up 9 points
long shot 12 points
tilt 5 points
medium shot 10 points
What sound effects help to add tension to the film? (Pick 2)
1. Explosions
2. Wind
3. creaking
4. Bangs
5. Screams
6. whispering
Explosions 5 points
wind 9 points
creaking 12 points
bangs 12 points
screams 12 points
whispering 10 points
What is your favourite horror film?
We got a range of answer but 'the grudge' 'the ring' and 'hostel' were noted a few times.